Our Clients

...comprehensive guidance to support your needs

Customized Planning

Our detailed planning process allows us to completely understand your personal and financial situation.

Our clients are a diverse group ranging from individuals and families to businesses. We recognize the differences in the lives and business of our clients and we are committed to providing personal financial guidance. It is our goal to deliver personal attention, customized financial planning advice, and diversified investment solutions that is always in the best interest of the client.

Business Owners

Customized Strategies for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

As a business owner, you have built something you care about – and you want to see it last. We understand. We are well-versed in the challenges and opportunities before you. As your financial guide, we help you further your own brand of success by giving you the confidence to focus on what you do best. We help you see all angles of the bigger picture and important things like passing on a legacy to the next generation and helping to ensure your workers have options for retirement planning.

We help you cut through the complexity of your financial situation to create, implement and manage an all-encompassing plan designed to pursue your goals. Our strategies capitalize on our deep resources and insightful analysis and are customized to your needs. The result is a balanced plan interwoven with the details of how you picture your life.

Corporate Executives

Helping Executives Manage Their Financial Success

As an executive, you spend your time and energy between the office and home, with little to spare. You know your personal portfolio deserves that same level of dedication and high-level thought. With us as your partner, we strive to give you the confidence of knowing we are guiding you on the straightest path to your financial objectives.

Between the demands of leading your company and the complex nature of your personal finances, it is only natural to want to ensure your assets are in order and working as hard as you do. So we have created an efficient, consultative process to evaluate your case individually and tailor holistic strategies around your specific circumstances.

We understand the challenges you face, such as finding solutions for concentrated stock positions and strategies designed to protect your family and your legacy.

Families & Individuals

Pragmatic Wealth Management for Families and Individuals

From private wealth management to customized estate planning and wealth transfer, you can turn to us for comprehensive financial planning and leading-edge resources. Our access to technology, research and specialized knowledge allows us to nimbly adapt to your needs and objectives.

You have spent a lifetime building a legacy. Let our prudent approach help you make the most of it.

Healthcare Professionals

Helping Physicians Address Their Unique Needs

As a healthcare professional, you will need personal and professional financial guidance as you build and grow your career.  We understand your unique needs to protect against liabilities and other risks; preserve your assets from excessive taxes; mitigate the effects of healthcare cutbacks; manage education debt and, finally, pursue financial independence. You also have other priorities to save for – a home, a family, retirement – while facing healthcare reform, rising malpractice premiums and reduced insurance payouts. We understand the unique financial issues you face and why it’s more important than ever to make smart financial decisions now to prepare for the future.

We help by creating a wealth management plan that is designed to address every important aspect of your practice and personal life, including everything from funding your children’s college educations to having an estate plan. We can create family limited partnerships or asset-protection trusts, secure umbrella insurance coverage, and help you find solutions for dealing with managed care reimbursement cutbacks and rising practice expenses. You can rely on us to provide customized guidance to manage and protect your hard-earned wealth.


Comprehensive Guide for Non-Profits

Nonprofit organizations require financial stability, supported by a reliable portfolio and consistent returns, to fund their mission over the long term. We have experience supporting values-driven business models for nonprofits, endowments and foundations, and we make it our mission to further the financial goals of our clients as best we can.

We offer strategic guidance to strengthen your finance office and help your organization manage its assets efficiently. We provide independent research and investment strategies to prudently develop a portfolio designed to support your needs while managing risk. We stay abreast of the latest tax regulations and investment trends, utilizing the bandwidth of our capabilities to help ensure your strategy is as streamlined as possible. In the end, our goal is to offer investment guidance and prudent portfolio management – with your mission in mind.


Nurturing Wealth so You Can Live a Longer, Better Life in Retirement

With retirees living longer, more active lives, it is essential for your retirement plan to work for you, helping you enjoy the life you have envisioned while also mitigating risk that could make your nest egg vulnerable. We help pre-retirees and retirees overcome the challenges of such a profound lifestyle change.

Working together, we talk about what you need and want your money to do for you and assess the likelihood that you will be able to achieve these goals. We strive to ensure that your wealth passes in the most efficient way to your heirs and philanthropic endeavors through estate and legacy planning. With our help, you have a full range of resources at your disposal.

Sudden Wealth

Thoughtfully Managing a Windfall

Receiving a substantial sum of money presents opportunities, but also challenges. This contradiction extends to the emotions you may feel after a windfall, whether through inheritance, the sale of a business, lottery, divorce or a legal settlement. As your experienced guide, we give you the time needed to acclimate to your new situation and face crucial decisions with clarity of mind.

We provide a thoughtful approach to this transition, along with experience, deep resources and long-term planning tools. As you go about creating a life you have envisioned, we can help you reflect on the possibilities for your future. We then craft strategies that are designed to go far beyond the basics to help make your vision a reality.